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Author Maheshwari, A., Sathyakumar, S.
Title Patterns of Livestock Depredation and Large Carnivore Conservation Implications in the Indian Trans-Himalaya Type Journal Article
Year 2020 Publication Journal of Arid Environments Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 1-5
Keywords Large carnivores Livestock depredation Participatory approach Snow leopard Kargil Himalaya
Abstract Livestock is one of the major sources of livelihood for the

agro-pastoral communities in central and south Asia. Livestock

depredation by large carnivores is a wide-ranging issue that leads to

economic losses and a deviance from co-existence. We investigated the

grass root factors causing livestock depredation in Kargil, Ladakh and

tested the findings of diet analysis in validating reported livestock

depredation. Globally vulnerable snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and more

common wolf (Canis lupus) were the two main wild predators. A total of

1113 heads of livestock were reportedly killed by wolf (43.6%) followed

by unknown predators (31.4%) and snow leopard (21.5%) in the study site

from 2009 to 2012, which comes to 2.8% annual livestock losses. Scat

analysis also revealed a significant amount of livestock in the diet of

snow leopard (47%) and wolf (51%). Poor livestock husbandry practices

and traditional livestock corrals were found to be the major drivers

contributing in the livestock depredation. Based on the research

findings, we worked with the local communities to sensitize them about

wildlife conservation and extended limited support for predator proof

livestock corrals at a small scale. Eventually it helped in reducing

conflict level and conserving the globally threatened carnivores. We

conclude that a participatory approach has been successful to generate

an example in reducing large carnivore-human conflict in the west

Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor (down)
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 1609
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