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Author (down) Vinogradov B.S.& Flerov K.K.
Title I.Pamir. II. East Bukhara Type Miscellaneous
Year 1935 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 15-19
Keywords Tajikistan; Pamir; East Bukhara; fauna; endemics; snow leopard.; 8490; Russian
Abstract East Pamir is a transitive zone on border Tibetan, East Tien Shan, Western Tien Shan, Himalaya and Afghani fauna and is characterized by low diversity of mammals. Ungulates of east part are presented: Ivis dŒlii Š ¥…dr… sibirica s…k††n. Predators are presented ¥…nis lŠdŠs laniger (Tibetan subspecies); Vulpes vulpes ferganensis, IŠstela alpina alpina, IŠstela †r•inea ferganae, IŠst†l… nivalis d…llid…, I…rt†s foina, F†lis 1¢‹o iz…b†lli‹…, U‹ci… Š‹ci… Š‹cia (Central Asian and South Asian spp.); Ursus …r¤tŒs …ff. s¢riacus, I†l†s •†l†s, LŠtr… lutr… seistanica (South West Asian species). East Bukhara (Turkestan, Zeravshan, Hissar, Peter the Great, Darvaza, etc., and also the Western Pamir) is characterized by presence of representatives of the Indo-Afghani fauna (Capra falconeri, Ovis vignei, Cervus affinis, Mellivora indica (?), Vulpes canus, Otonycteris hemprichi, Nesokia indica, Rattus turkestanicus), Southwest Asia fauna (Felis pardus tulliana, Felis tigris septentrionalis, Canis aureus aureus, Lutra lutra seistanica, Hyaena hyaena), as well as species of widely distrebuted within the Southern and Southwest Asia (Felis ornata, Felis chaus, Vormela peregusna, Maries foina, Mustela nivalis, Ursus arctos syriacus, Hystrix hirsutirostris), or Central Asian species (Felis lynx isabelina, Mustela alpina, Mustela erminea, Otocolobus manul, Vulpes vulpes karagan Š „d.). Endemics of East Bukhara are Microtus carruthersi, Microtus bucharensis, Sorex bucharensis.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication 1935 Editor
Language Russian Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in Russian Journal Title: Animals of Tajikistan, life and value for man. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 826 Serial 987
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Author (down) Valdez, R., Michel, S., Subbotin, A., Klich, D.
Title Status and population structure of a hunted population of Marco Polo Argali Ovis ammon polii (Cetartiodactyla, Bovidae) in Southeastern Tajikistan Type Journal Article
Year Publication Mammalia Abbreviated Journal
Volume 80 Issue 1 Pages 49-57
Keywords Pamirs; status; sustainable use; Tajikistan; trophy hunting.
Abstract Marco Polo sheep (Ovis ammon polii), listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List, were surveyed using vehicles during three summers and three consecutive winters to determine the status and population structure of the subspecies in a hunted population in southeastern Pamirs, Tajikistan. A total of 8649, 8392, and 7663 sheep were observed in each winter survey with densities of 5.42,

4.91, and 4.49 argalis/km2, respectively. The differences in numbers observed in different years were probably due principally to differing dates of surveys among years. The high ratios of lamb for every 100 ewe (53, 38, and 49 during the winter surveys, and 60, 45, and 58 during the summer

surveys) and high percentages (45%–50%) of mature females during winter indicate that offspring recruitment is sufficient to maintain a stable population. The significant

increase in the abundance of Marco Polo sheep in the Tajikistan Pamirs compared with that of previous population surveys may probably be attributed to low numbers of domestic livestock during the winter, low human population density, unfenced and widespread wild sheep habitats,

and rigorous patrolling to limit poaching. The small number (45) of hunting permits has a minimal impact on the male sheep sector. Tajikistan now supports more argali than any other country
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rakhee @ Serial 1438
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Author (down) Sokov, A.I.
Title The present status of the snow leopard population in the south western Pamir-Altai Mountains (Tadzhikistan) Type Journal Article
Year 1990 Publication Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards Abbreviated Journal
Volume 6 Issue Pages 33-36
Keywords Pamir; Altai; Tadzhikistan; status; distribution; Tajikistan; browse; Ussr; pelts; furs; hunting; trapping; population; 3230
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available at URL Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 167 Serial 915
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Author (down) Sokov A.I.
Title Snow leopard Type Miscellaneous
Year 1997 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 151-152
Keywords Tajikistan; Red Data book; snow leopard; decline; protection; distribution; number; life-history; protected measures.; 8230; Russian
Abstract Snow leopard distributed in Pamir, Mountain Badakhshan (2500-5500 masl). Its number assessed as 250-350 individuals. There were recorded 450 snow leopards in 1950s-1960s.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Red Data Book of Tajikistan. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 801 Serial 914
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Author (down) Sokov A.I.
Title Environmental prerequisites for protection and sustainable use of predatory mammals in Tajikistan Type Miscellaneous
Year 1986 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Vol. 3. Issue Pages 27-29
Keywords Tajikistan; Red Data book; rare species; carnivores; large predators; brown bear; hyena; tiger; leopard; Lynx; snow leopard; decline; protection; sustainable use.; 8220; Russian
Abstract In Tajikistan it is necessary to preserve big predators listed in the Red Book, such as Uncia uncia, Ursus arctos isabellinus, Hyaena hyaena, Felis lynx isabellina, Panthera pardus ciscaucasica. An anthropogenic influence has resulted in the species' habitat shrinkage, deficit of food, disturbance of trophic interactions. It is necessary to restore a tiger population in the Tigrovaya Balka nature reserve, and resolve the issue of protection and sustainable use of commercial predatory species.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Proceedings of IV Congress of all-Union mammalists' society. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 800 Serial 913
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Author (down) Sokov A.I.
Title About rare carnivores of Tajikistan Type Miscellaneous
Year 1976 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 97-102
Keywords Tajikistan; Pamir; conservation; rare species; carnivores; distribution; number; snow leopard.; 8210; Russian
Abstract The data on distribution of 10 species of rare carnivores in Tajikistan are given. Uncia uncia uncia inhabits in high mountain regions of Central Tajikistan and Mountain-Badakhshan province. Tajikistan has banned the hunting of snow leopard since 1968. Author proposes to establish of nature reserves in Eastern Pamir in Aksay and Modur, in basin of Istyk river as well as in area from Matcha village to Zeravshan glacier including Southern Turkestan ridge and Northern Zeravshan ridge for purpose of snow leopard conservation.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Rare mammals of USSR fauna. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 799 Serial 912
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Author (down) Sapozhnikov G.N., G.O.N.
Title Ramit nature reserve Type Miscellaneous
Year 1990 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 322-329
Keywords Tajikistan; Ramit nature reserve; flora; fauna; snow leopard.; 8080; Russian
Abstract The general information on Ramit nature reserve, Tajikistan as well as its physic-geographical, floristic and faunistic description is given. 7-15 snow leopards that make seasonal migrations following wild ibexes inhabit in nature reserve.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Protected areas of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 786 Serial 846
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Author (down) Sapozhnikov G.N.
Title Wild sheep in Tajikistan Type Miscellaneous
Year 1976 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 199 p.
Keywords Tajikistan; urial; argali; taxonomy; morphology; variability; life history characteristics; distribution; number; diet; behavior; parasites; predators; snow leopard.; 8060; Russian
Abstract The monograph provides data concerning taxonomy, morphology, and age variability of wild sheep. There described distribution, number, population composition, behavioral patterns, reproduction, predators and parasites. Besides, a matter of conservation and sustainable use of the species is discussed. Together with wolf, snow leopard is called an enemy of O. o. vignei and argali (O. o. polii).
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in Russian Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 784 Serial 845
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Author (down) Sapojnikov G.N.
Title Distribution and number of several endangered mammals and birds of Tajikistan Type Miscellaneous
Year 1984 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 129-143
Keywords Tajikistan; endangered species; snow leopard; number; use.; 8070; Russian
Abstract Many years' data connected with the distribution and number of endangered species of animals as dhole (Cuon alpinus Pall), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena L.), snow leopard (Uncia uncia Shreb.) and birds of Tajikistan are given. Area of snow leopard includes the most of mountain ridges in this country. The total number is evaluated about 160-200 individuals. The record quantity of legal harvested skins of snow leopard is 64 in 1946.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Natural resources and nature reserves of Tajikistan. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 785 Serial 844
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Author (down) Potapov R.
Title On the top of ridges Type Miscellaneous
Year 1986 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 146-162
Keywords Tajikistan; Pamir; Animals; snow leopard; ibex.; 7970; Russian
Abstract In a popular form, it says about wildlife of Pamir, unique animal kingdom of highlands. The author describes his personal encounter with snow leopard following a herd of ibex and thinks of peculiarities of this large predator and reasons for hunting it.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title Tiger gully. Unknown world.
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in Russian Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 775 Serial 785
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