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Author Ishunin G.I.
Title The Felids family Felidae Gray, 1821 Type Miscellaneous
Year 1989 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) Issue Pages 46
Keywords Ussr; Felidae; Miocene; Pliocene; Pleistocene; Holocene; origin; Uzbekistan; Genus Uncia; snow leopard; specie range; Western Tien Shan; Hissar ridge; Zeravshan ridge; Turkestan ridge.; 6980; Russian
Abstract Zoolites of the Felidae family are known from the Upper Eocene Lower Pliocene in Eurasia, Africa, and North America. Two sub-families are know to inhabit the territory of the USSR and adjacent territories: the extinct sabre-toothed Felidae species Machairodontia and now existing Felidae species. In the USSR the extinct Felidae species were found to exist in Upper Miocene, Upper and Middle Pliocene, and Pleistocene. In Eurasia panthers has been know since early Pliocene. Three species were found in Uzbekistan – the extinct cave lion Felidae sd†l…†… (Goldfuss, 1810), and now existing P…nth†a… tigris, P…nth†a… pardus. The ancient finds and modern habitats are briefly described. Genus Uncia is represented by one species snow leopard or irbis. Probably it appeared in later Pliocene or Pleistocene in the mountain of Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, remains of snow leopard were found in the Samarqand region in the layer of Upper Pleistocene or Holocene. Probably it moved into the area in Pleistocene or the period of glacier removal in the Western Tien Shan mountains, Turkestan, Zeravshan, and Hissar ridges.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Full text available in RussianJournal Title: Possible way of the mammal fauna formation on the territory of Uzbekistan. Approved no
Call Number SLN @ rana @ 676 Serial 422
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