Ministry of Environment and Forests05-September, 2011 16:43 IST Extinction of Animals
As per the Red Data Book of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are 13 Critically Endangered species of birds in India. Among animals, 34 species have been identified in India as Critically Endangered in the class mammals, reptiles, fishes and amphibians. The details are at Annexure.
Steps taken by the Government to protect these species are as follows:
i) The Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ has been modified in 2008-09 by including a new component namely ‘Recovery of Endangered Species’ and 16 species have been identified for recovery viz. Snow Leopard, Bustard (including Floricans), Dolphin, Hangul, Nilgiri Tahr, Marine Turtles, Dugong, Edible Nest Swiftlet, Asian Wild Buffalo, Nicobar Megapode, Manipur Brow-antlered Deer, Vultures, Malabar Civet, Indian Rhinoceros, Asiatic Lion, Swamp Deer and Jerdon’s Courser.
ii) Under the ‘Recovery of Endangered Species’ component of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ Rs 377.7 lakhs for the recovery of endangered species viz. Hangul in Jammu and Kashmir, Snow Leopard in Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand, Vulture in Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat was provided during 2008-09. During 2009-10, an amount of Rs 72.95 lakhs was provided for recovery of endangered species viz. Swiftlet in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Nilgiri Tahr in Taml Nadu, Sanghai Deer in Manipur and Snow Leopard in Arunachal Pradesh. During 2010-11, an amount of Rs. 184.052 lakh was provided for recovery of endangered species viz. Vulture in Punjab, Swiftlet in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Snow Leopard in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir and Hangul in Jammu and Kashmir.
iii) Legal protection has been provided to endangered wild animals and plants against hunting and commercial exploitation under the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
iv) The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, has been amended and made more stringent. The punishment in cases of offences have been enhanced. The Act also provides for forfeiture of any equipment, vehicle or weapon that is used for committing wildlife offence.
v) Protected Areas, viz, National Parks, Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves and Community Reserves all over the country covering the important habitats have been created as per the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 to provide better protection to wildlife, including threatened species and their habitat.
vi) Financial and technical assistance is extended to the State Governments under various Centrally Sponsored Schemes, viz, ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’, ‘Project Tiger’ and ‘Project Elephant’ for providing better protection and conservation to wildlife.
vii) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been empowered under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 to apprehend and prosecute wildlife offenders.
viii) The State Governments have been requested to strengthen the field formations and intensify patrolling in and around the Protected Areas.
ix) The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has been set up for control of poaching and illegal trade in wildlife and its products.
x) Strict vigil is maintained through effective communication system.